Woman using sock aid
Careers in Assisstive Technology
The technological revolution has strongly impacted the disability community in general, and the field of assistive technology (AT) in particular. Assistive technology provides many new solutions for learning, recreation and working. Assistive technology goes hand-in-hand with a major part of the helping professions and its uses are growing at a rapid rate.
Each AT profession has the potential to take greatly divergent paths, as rehabilitation specialists work in various settings and cover many different aspects of the same field. One may work with adaptive computers or fit someone with the appropriate wheelchair, or even the appropriate vehicle to drive, while others assess speech and language or customize orthotic devices. Each AT-related profession provides an enriching challenge and variety. The main categories of assistive technology are:
  • Aids for daily living
  • Augmentative communication
  • Computer applications
  • Environmental control systems
  • Home/work site modifications
  • Prosthetics and orthotics
  • Seating and positioning
  • Aids for vision/hearing impaired
  • Wheelchairs/mobility aids
  • Vehicle modifications
In the following sections, you will find descriptions of various professions related to assistive technology, provided by professionals currently working in assistive technology fields. Each profession varies greatly.
If you are beginning your career or considering a career change, read through these job descriptions for insight into these interesting professions. You'll find that no specific job description is cut and dried; most people in the field play a multifaceted role, and their jobs are constantly changing and evolving. We hope this gives you a good beginning.
Note: More job descriptions may be added in the future and you are welcome to write a description of your own assistive technology-related profession for the purpose of enlightening others. (No entry goes up without your permission.)