combine in field

Rural Work

AgriAbility is a USDA sponsored program assisting farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers with disabilities.  This project is known throughout the world as a source on assistive technology for agricultural worksites.  More than 20 states have projects or affiliated projects.  See this map for contact information for your state. The National Project is run through Purdue University's Breaking New Ground Resource Center.

On the website, you will find The Toolbox which is an assistive technology database of products, designs and ideas, techniques and suggestions. Links to the vendor are provided.   Topical presentations include techniques and suggestions for dealing with disabilities includes things likes hand controls for agriculture equipment, farming following a spinal cord injury, making your farmhouse accessible and much more. 

Additional resources on the website covers mental health, back health, arthritis, caregivers and more. There's also a rich section devoted to webinars that were held live and are now archived for viewing at any time. 


Disability Work Tools
Search for tools by type, by job or by disability.  Order directly from this company. 


Note: Infinitec Inc. does not endorse or recommend these products and has no liability for the results of their use. Infinitec Inc. has received no consideration of any type for featuring any product on this Web site. The information offered herein is a summary; it is not comprehensive and should be carefully evaluated by consumers with the assistance of qualified professionals. The intention of Infinitec Inc. is to offer consumers a brief overview of various assistive technology devices and their applications