Daily Living Aids

Here is a selection of vendors that carry useful items for the blind and visually impaired. 

Apps to record memos (free):



    Voice Memos for Android

    Voice Recorder for Android

    Smart Voice Recorder for Android 

    Voice Record Pro for iOS 

    Voice Recorder for iOS 



Assistech Special Needs
Specializes in assistive products for deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired, speech impaired and physically challenged. Carries clocks and watches, magnifiers, talking products, voice recorders, telephones and more.

Braille Bookstore
Carries a variety of recorders – Varieties include ones that stick the magnet to your refrigerator, carry in your pocket, click to your belt or record on a flash drive. 

Devices for Macular Degeneration
This article provides resources and tools for people with macular degeneration.

Specializing in magnifiers, telescopes, absorptive filters, specialized reading glasses, video magnifiers and more

G.W. Micro
Computer based speech products

Carries alerting devices, Braille products, magnifiers, talking products and an array of low vision products.

Hitec Group International
Adapted telephones, computers, watches, magnification tools, low vision products, signaling systems and more

Independent Living Aids
Carries voice recorders: a memo book with chapters, a 20 second recorder for brief reminders, full-featured digital recorders and more.

Lighthouse Guild Vision & Health
Products for reading, Braille, calculators, clocks, canes, magnification, lamps and lighting, telephones, watches and key chains, and more.

LS&S (Learning, sight and sound make easier. )bowl with suction cup
Specializing in all types of assistive devices for persons with visual or hearing impairments including cooking aids, household items, measuring and cutting devices, money organization thermostats, labelers and much more.

Blind and low vision aids; all types of daily living aids including talking products

Note Teller 2 from Brytech
Reads all old and new designs of U.S. bank notes, including the latest "colored" bills. Carry in your pocket. Reads in English or Spanish.  Available directly or via distributors.

Resource for Blind or Visually-impaired Shoppers
A UPC label identifier makes shopping easier or even possible for persons with vision loss. Weighing less than 2 pounds, the I.D. Mate by En-Vision America, Inc. reads bar codes on products. Scan from any direction. Use the I.D. Mate can be used to record memos or labels you create for items at home, work, or in the marketplace. 

Here's an interesting idea for parents—squeaky shoes for babies and toddlers:

Pip Squeakers
Pip Squeakers baby shoes are an aid for BVI parents & BVI babies. Parents can hear whenever baby is on the move, always knowing baby is close-by and safe. Baby shoes softly squeak as each foot touches down, providing a parenting aid that promotes safety and a baby product that encourages first steps. 

NOAA Weather Radio
This radio receives National Weather Service warnings, forecasts and other hazard information. It has had some design modifications to meet the needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. It is battery operated and includes visual and vibrating alarms (pillow vibrator, strobe light, bed shaker) and simple text readouts. Three warning lights for Statement, Watch or Warning. Also available with large print and/or Braille versions. Available from Harris Communications (see below),WeatherRadios.com and others. 

ScanJig Document Scanning Stands
ScanJig portable scanning stands hold your smart tablet or phone in the correct position for fast, precisely aligned scans of documents, receipts, books and business cards. ScanJig stands provide a stable platform and work with any document scanner app to help turn your tablet or phone into a productive, accurate, document imaging device.

Note: Infinitec Inc. does not endorse or recommend these products and has no liability for the results of their use. Infinitec Inc. has received no consideration of any type for featuring any product on this Web site. The information offered herein is a summary; it is not comprehensive and should be carefully evaluated by consumers with the assistance of qualified professionals. The intention of Infinitec Inc. is to offer consumers a brief overview of various assistive technology devices and their applications.