interior of library
Fishing at Schools and Other Institutions
If you are lucky enough to live near a community college or four-year college or university, check out that institution's library. Public institutions generally are willing to grant access, although you may not be allowed to check out materials unless you are a student or faculty member. You probably have to obtain special permission to use the library of a private school, but it's worth a try. College and university libraries generally have a dazzling variety of professional journals on the shelves. They tend to carry the very latest publications so that students and faculty members can conduct research. You can do it, too.
If you live reasonably near a museum that focuses on science, technology or industry (The Smithsonian comes to mind, as does Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry), call and ask if the museum offers public research facilities or a library open to the public. Many do.
Do not be reluctant to take your questions and requests for information to your local elementary, high school or college faculty. These institutions employ not only teachers who specialize in teaching students with disabilities, but also physical therapists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists who should be able to help you find the information you need. Contact your elementary or high school's special education director. At the college or university level, try the department or college of education, rehabilitative science, etc.
Try calling a large hospital's rehabilitation department or a rehabilitation center near you. The specialists on staff at these places may have just the answers you need.